Here are our Favorite Dance items
Here are our Favorite Dance items
We have spent years trying out our favorite Dance necessities: Take a peak at what our community loves best.

4000 Middlefiled Rd. L-3 Palo Alto CA 94303
enter the NORTH ENTRANCE * near the Piazza market
Lisa 415-971-1456
Mandy 650-279-4997
DANCE essentials
DANCE essentials
Everyone has specific shoes needs best to try them on first:
Try Dance Theatre shop: * Mountain View & San Mateo
Try Dance de Jour * Menlo Park 1927 Menalto Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
- Lisa's favorite Bloch dance sneaker * RUNS SMALL https://a.co/d/4YkcGGs
- Mandy & Lisas favorite leg warmers and Dance socks: https://www.apollaperformance.com/?tw_source=google&tw_adid=579369054227&tw_source=google&tw_adid=579369054227&utm_campaign=15514145953&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4s-kBhDqARIsAN-ipH1AKi1JeUi0SUfKwf9Iz3ojDkIeYuwzNlgyrdYcNTFAQrs6a9n2nbUaAhM8EALw_wcB
- Lori Merritt's favorite shoe insoles: https://a.co/d/01O6jru
TAP Essentials
TAP Essentials
TAP Shoes:
Everyone has specific shoes needs best to try them on first:
Try Dance Theatre shop: * Mountain View & San Mateo
Try Dance de Jour * Menlo Park 1927 Menalto Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Here are the TAP shoes Mandy wears most: https://millerandbentapshoes.com/
- THIS ONE IS SMALLER but GOOD quality tap board AND VERY easy to carry and store
- This is the roll up chair mat I use in class from Homedepot. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Anji-Mountain-Standard-5-mm-Natural-Light-Brown-42-in-x-48-in-Bamboo-Roll-Up-Office-Chair-Mat-without-Lip-AMB24034/202071127#overlay
- OFFICE DEPOT same thing
- FANCY TAP Board : ). https://sprungfloors.com...the fancy one (o'mara) really nice and will last best sound
This is the video https://youtu.be/eUlLRud6cYg that I trusted the most, since it looked like someone who is primarily a builder instead of a dancer (I saw some extremely unorthodox building techniques). I did a full 3 coats of the Minwax polycrylic (plus a little more), and the finish feels a bit grippy while I'm dancing on it. It just makes it a little harder to get all my sounds. I'll keep you posted on how/whether that changes as the finish continues to cure, the air dries out and I keep dancing on the floor. If it doesn't improve, maybe an actual finish for floors would be better, but I don't believe those products are sold only by the gallon and not by the quart.
Must haves in your dance bag
Must haves in your dance bag
- For our sweaty stinky days *Everyday at Groovitude :) LUME deodorant (* all natural & IT WORKS all day "even for the hoo hoo area" https://a.co/d/86QtJCa
- KT Injury TAPE * Careful when removing it sometimes takes a layer of skin with it (: https://a.co/d/8HFfA2X
- Best dry skin crème : Working hands * but Lisa puts it on her feet & adds essential oils like lavender and peppermint. https://a.co/d/0CNDmrP
A starting point if you are looking to understand mechanisms of chronic pain.
DR. SARNO BOOKS:"The mind body prescription"
DAN BUGLIO...youtube channel
Pain Free you...getting started
Pain free you fast start:
Pain Free you success stories:
- Energy Medicine: by Donna Eden if you need to unscramble your life and energies. This book is amazing https://a.co/d/3tchVRW